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What is a System?

When the word "system" is mentioned, many people think machines, hardware, software, cogs, oil dripping, etc. Well, they are not wrong. Machines are systems comprising of different parts that work together to make the machine do what it is supposed to do. In fact, google defines a system as "a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network; a complex whole". 

Oh, and in case you have been wondering, your body is a system too! We might talk about how and why the body is a system but for now, let's focus on today's topic.

When we (AMEN Consulting) talk about systems we are referring to a bigger picture, a picture that includes not just machines and their associated hardware and software, but also people (and their bodies), products, and everything else that enables the organization to meet its specific objectives. Within the system, we also include the principles and/or procedures applied by the organization to achieve the desired outcomes.

For an organization to achieve its objectives efficiently and effectively, it has to have a system that has those capabilities in place. However, in most cases, what should be and what is are two different things, which then causes a discrepancy between what is expected of the system and what the system  actually does.

In other words, between the expectations on desired potential or performance of the company and the actual reality, a gap ensues that needs to be bridged. 

That is where ISO 9001:2015 QMS comes in.


Introducing Gap Analysis


ISO 9001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for a Quality Management System (QMS). Organizations use this standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. To read more on ISO 9001:2015 click here.

One of the very first steps in ensuring you have the right system in place is by doing an ISO 9001:2015 Gap Analysis. A Gap Analysis is a tool or a technique we use to determine what steps need to be taken in order for your system to move from its current state to its desired future state.

The main reason a gap analysis is important to firms is the fact that gaps between customer expectations and customer experiences lead to customer dissatisfaction. A gap analysis is used as a tool to narrow the gap between perceptions and reality, thus enhancing customer satisfaction. With increased customer satisfaction comes increased revenue.

The Gap Analysis process is one every organization needs to take in order to establish where the gaps in their system are. Without it, organizations risk misalignment within its systems, which eventually leads to customer dissatisfaction, which in the long run leads to a drop in revenue.

So, when was the last time you did a gap analysis for your organization? Talk to us and let's work together to identify any gaps your system may be having that might affect the overal performance of your organization.

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